
2017 Edition

Digital Transformation: A Management Road Map

February 22, 2016

by Carla Cico Member of the Board, Alcatel-Lucent Innovation, the search for talent and reorganization: these are three topics that nowadays we hear about again and again, as if they are new concepts in the corporate world. This is not true. Companies have always created success through searching for and…

Digital Media developments and predictions for 2016

February 22, 2016

by Ingrid Silver Partner, Dentons 2015 was an interesting year in the UK media industry and we are already well into the first quarter of what is expected to be a very fascinating and busy 2016. I would like to share with you a number of legal developments which we…

Building a Brighter, Innovative Future requires bold steps

February 22, 2016

By Danielle Brown Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, Intel[1] Just over a year ago, in January 2015, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich stunned the tech sector with an announcement of Intel’s Diversity in Technology Initiative[2]. This initiative committed Intel to reaching full representation of women and under-represented minorities in its…

Innovation and Diversity drive the Digital Economy

February 22, 2016

by Renee LaLonde Founder and CEO of iTalent Corporation 2015 saw a major shift in the digitalization of many traditional sectors of the economy and society, including education, health and social services. Online classes in the form of MOOCs became markedly more available, health records began to go online, online…

Innovation and Culture Change: Taking the Long View

February 22, 2016

by Kate McKenzie Chief Operations Officer, Telstra Corporation As part of the Senior Management Team at Telstra, I and my colleagues spend a lot of time thinking about and discussing innovation and culture change. We do this because we know innovation is a key driver of growth – not only…

Digital Transformation: A New Formula for Success

February 22, 2016

by Mosiri Cabezas Director of Digital Transformation and Business Acceleration at Telefónica Everyone alive today will have the opportunity to experience what it is like to move from one era of human development to another. This new era will be one where we love, work, learn and age in a…

What Women (Still) Want

February 22, 2016

by Guy Pattison CEO Long Run Works Twenty years ago, about the same time that the GTWN was being established as a leading group of women in tech, a group of campaigners for women’s rights came up with a simple idea to capture a female vision for society.…

The Growing Problem of Space Junk

February 22, 2016

by Dr Hugh Lewis Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering, University of Southampton, UK Space junk, or orbital debris as NASA refers to it, is a growing problem with immense significance for the future of the digital communications industry and the users of its products and services. In 2014, the International…

From Trash to Treasure – Changing the Economics of Space Junk

February 22, 2016

by Dr Patrick Neumann Chief Scientist, Neumann Space Whether it’s piles of empty oxygen tanks on Mount Everest, or dead satellites in orbit, exploration leaves messy footprints behind. While this detritus is bad enough on Mount Everest, in space the effects could be disastrous. While space is mind-bogglingly big, the…

No Moore’s Law for Networks

February 22, 2016

by Martin Geddes Founder and Principal, Geddes Consulting A common misconception in telecoms is that there is an equivalent of Moore’s law for networks. Whilst it is true that we have seen exponential growth in data transmission bitrates –driven by past rapid improvements in opto-electronics – no such property holds…