
2018 Edition

Staying Aware for Success

March 17, 2018

by Ingrid Silver, Partner Reed Smith and GTWN Regional President, Europe Having worked closely with the telecoms sector for over two decades, I have witnessed the steady, yet quite remarkable, transformation which the industry has undergone. From an industry which primarily supplied fixed telephony voice services has emerged a fantastically diverse…

Doing Business in Asia: What You Need to Know

March 7, 2018

by Dr Gabriele Suder, Professor and International Trade Consultant European companies often nd the thought of doing business in Asia at once both stimulating and challenging, given its multi-faceted nature. With the increasing emphasis on regionalisation of trade and international investment, and the increasing number of bilateral free trade agreements in…

Looking beyond Digitalization: The Human Factor

March 6, 2018

by Carla Cico, Member of the Board, Allegion “Digitalization is changing the way we do things”, or alternatively, “IoT is changing our daily life”: these are the most common statements that we read and/or hear on a daily basis. At the World Economic Forum 2018 in Davos, Alibaba founder and Executive…

Technology and Commitment can Solve Many of Today’s Challenges

March 5, 2018

by Maria Pia Rossignaud, Director Media Duemila, Italy So, what are the main challenges of today? I believe they can be summarised as:   Global and regional conflicts, such as terrorism and the threat of nuclear war Environmental and economic impacts of human habitation such as global warming and marine pollution…

Profile: Elisabeth Slapio

March 5, 2018

Elisabeth Slapio, Director Innovation and Environment Section of the Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Germany After studying to become a full-time lawyer and working at the University of Cologne, Elisabeth worked as a lawyer in various law firms. In the Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, she is currently…