The theme of the 2023 edition of The Mobile Century is digital metamorphosis. This reflects the profound changes that are happening in the digital tech sector in all of its forms – in networking, mobile, media, space and the internet. To the GTWN, digital transformation is an essential prerequisite for this fundamental change in the economy and society, but it is not sufficient to ensure that all of the potential benefits of these technologies can be achieved. A cultural transformation is also needed to ensure that all peoples of the world can participate meaningfully in the digital world.
Digital metamorphosis can take many forms. This edition explores a number of these: from ESG based investments in new networks and services; to developing an open, safe and creative metaverse; to the future of digital media platforms and services; reforming space law to keep pace with the reality of new space industries; transforming the mobile tower industry with VR; and importantly how artificial intelligence will drive many of the profound changes we expect to see over the coming years.
But with these positive changes will also come many challenges. For example: how to ensure that your company is metaverse ready; how to build cyber resilience in your organisation and protect critical infrastructure; how users can take back control of their own data, and what this means for data based business models. We also include global perspectives on digital metamorphosis in different regions of the world.
Thank you to all of our contributors, who are leaders in their respective fields and who have given so generously of their time and expertise to make this edition such a success. We are very grateful for the ongoing support of our major partner, the global law firm CMS. We are pleased to be able to feature several articles by leading CMS experts in areas as diverse as digital media platforms and streaming video services; AI and creativity; and protecting yourself from cyber threats. We are also incredibly proud to include articles by many of our Board Members, who are change makers in their particular fields in the digital tech industry, making our magazine unique in its depth and breadth of coverage of the issues.
And finally, thank you to our readers who continue to support the work of the GTWN as we ‘Change the culture of communications – from generation to generation’.

Vicki MacLeod
TMC Editor-in-Chief
GTWN Secretary-General