
2019 Edition – Towards a New Digital Culture

5G: Challenges for Rural and Developing Regions

March 9, 2019

DR HEATHER E. HUDSON Professor Emerita at the University of San Francisco and Af liate Professor and former Director of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Alaska Anchorage THE PROMISE OF 5G Fifth generation (5G) mobile wireless is being touted not only as the next stage…

Digital Transformation: The Challenge for Government

March 8, 2019

CARLA CICO Member of the Board, Allegion The digital revolution has hit many companies hard and has forced them, regardless of the industry or the location, to make the changes necessary to learn not only how to survive in the new environment, riding the digital wave, but also to take…

Living in a World of Cash

March 7, 2019

VICTORIA HERNANDEZ Rising Tide Europe 3, Head of the Investment Committee There is a growing trend to believe that the future of cash is limited, with a number of developed countries stating their intention to become fully cashless within a few years. This seems like an inevitable consequence of digitalisation…

A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Digital Culture

March 7, 2019

VICKI MACLEOD Secretary-General, GTWN Digital culture is the interface between human beings, societies and digital technology. It can be seen as the natural progression of human cultures as every aspect of society and economy is transformed and reinvented by the integration of a digital platform.…